Today I am sharing with you all, the news that I have taken the decision to step down from my position as CEO at POPS.
When I joined POPS in 1995, it was a very small team, basically it was the founder Farida Anderson MBE, myself, and a part-time administrator. Being a part of the POPS’ journey from a small group of families who campaigned for better visiting conditions to the respected organisation it is today, has been a wonderful experience. Like all good managers, knowing the right time to pass on the baton of responsibility is crucial, and for me, that time in now.
Going forward POPS will announce a new Director in January 2025, supported by two new Assistant Director posts, and I will remain available for a period of time after, to support a smooth transition.
So for now, it just leaves me to publicly thank all those I have worked alongside during the past 30 years and who have supported POPS’ work and championed the development of services to families. You know who you are, and your support has meant more to POPS than you know.
Good luck in all your endeavours and be assured that the future of POPS is in very good hands.
The first photo taken of myself and Farida Anderson MBE back in 1996.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead