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HMP Wakefield

Please visit POPS’ Facebook page for HMP Wakefield for all the latest information and updates.

145HMP Wakefield is a Category A men’s prison, located in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

Family Support is available to prisoners’ families and visitors. Information folders are available in The Hub to provide guidance regarding a visit and help with any issues around a custodial sentence, life in prison and release.

A coffee morning Family Forum runs once a month to help families to better understand life whilst at HMP Wakefield.  POPS invites governors, prison staff and outside agencies to discuss different subjects such as Safer Custody, Probation, Education, Offender Management, Resettlement and any other areas that families wish to learn about.

Recent Updates

Useful Information

The following resources may help to prepare you for your visit:

Important Contact Information

Booking Line: 01924 612 274
Prison Switchboard: 01924 612 000
Visitor Centre:
01924 612 165

POPS’ Family Lead:

Visitor Centre Opening Times

Friday – Sunday   12.45 – 16.00

POPS’ Family Support Lead is available to speak to on the phone Monday – Friday 08.30 – 16.30.

Visiting Times

No visits
No visits
No visits
No visits
14:00 – 16:00
14:00 – 16:00
14:00 – 16:00

Financial Assistance with Visiting 

If you qualify to receive help with your finances such as benefits, you may be able to recoup all or part of the cost of your travel expenses.

Safer Custody 

If you have concerns about someone in prison please call 0800 389 1108 and leave a message including your name and contact details.

Update on 15/05/24