Massive congratulations to Ibrahim (age 4) whose bright and colourful Christmas design is the overall winner of this year’s POPS Christmas E-card Competition 2013. Ibrahim’s design was the top entry in the 3-6 age group and will be used as the design for POPS Christmas E-card which is sent out to all our supporters.

Gemma Hunt, presenter of hit CBeebies show Swashbuckle, helped us pick the winning entries ‘it was really difficult to pick the winner in each category as they all had something really special about them and I can see that they have spent a lot of time drawing them’.

The winner of the 7-11 age category was Abbie (age 11) who drew a fantastic tinsel-covered tree and bright smiley angel. The 12-17 age category was won by Diane (age 13) whose design featured a cheerful snowman and a lovely Christmas message.

Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank-you to all who took part.