Following the news of the retirement of Diane Curry OBE as POPS CEO we are delighted to announce that we have appointed Lynn Kelly as POPS’ new Director. Lynn takes over the lead role at POPS after 11 years as POPS’ Head of Operations. Lynn has over 25 years of experience and a proven record of success in the private and voluntary sectors, working on local, national and international projects, focusing on children & family services within the criminal justice sector, employment & skills, gender, enterprise, and social inequalities. 

Lynns’ appointment comes as the final step in a process POPS has undertaken to restructure the Executive Team. Lynn will be supported in her new role by Emma Guerriero as Assistant Director, Services & Business Development and Peter Calvert, as Assistant Director, Core Business Services. We would like to wish Lynn, Emma and Peter a long and successful tenure in their roles to ensure POPS growth and development in the future underpinned by the help and support of our committed staff team and collaborations with our partner organisations, individuals and families we work with.